Appendix E: Sample selection of indicator species
Example database with indicator species data for pilot site in Villagarzón, Colombia
Last updated
Example database with indicator species data for pilot site in Villagarzón, Colombia
Last updated
© 2023 Savimbo Inc. All rights reserved.
A sample table of indicator species for our pilot BCP site in Putumayo, Colombia is shown in the table below. And you can copy and use a template for tracking your data:
1) for free
2) Copy the to use for your own BCP
Some easy-to-use public data sources for gathering this data include (but are definitely not limited to):
*The unit of measurement for the area of life in the case of the taxa of the kingdom Animalia is presented in Km2 and for those of the kingdom Plantae in m2
** Where Indicator type is abbreviated as rare (Rar), endangered(End), umbrella (Umb), keystone(Key), emblematic(Emb), endemic (Edc)
Name | IUCN category | National threat | CITES level | Home range* | Indicator type** | Ecosystem integrity ratio |
Jaguar (Panthera onca) | Rar, End, Umb, Key, Emb | 1 |
Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) | Rar, End, Umb, Emb | 1 |
Harpy eagle (Harpia harpyja) |
| Rar, End, Umb, Key, Emb | 0.9 |
Black alligator (Melanosuchus niger) |
| Rar, End, Key | 0.9 |
Crested eagle (Morphnus guianensis) |
| Rar, End | 0.9 |
Mountain tapir (Tapirus terrestris) | End, Umb | 0.9 |
Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) | End, Umb | 0.9 |
Titi monkey (Cebuella pygmaea) |
| Rar, End | 0.9 |
Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) |
| Rar, End | 0.9 |
Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) | End, Umb | 0.9 |
Charapa turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) |
| End, Umb | 0.9 |
Spike (Ocotea quixos) |
| Rar, End | 0.9 |
Cedar (Cedrela Odorata) | End | 0.9 |
Military macaw (Ara militaris) | End | 0.9 |
Giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus) | Rare | 0.9 |
Wattled curassow (Crax globulosa) | End | 0.9 |
Black-and-chestnut eagle (Morphnus guianensis) |
| End | 0.5 |
Yellow pony (Handroanthus serratifolius) |
| End | 0.5 |
Ribs (Ampelocera albertiae) |
| End | 0.5 |
Avocado (Persea schiedeana) |
| End | 0.5 |
Churuco (Lagothrix lagotricha) |
| End | 0.5 |
Coppery-chested jacamar (Galbula pastazae) |
| End | 0.5 |
Agami heron (Agamia agami) |
| End | 0.5 |
(Nymphargus siren) |
| End | 0.5 |
Gualanday (Jacaranda mimosifolia) |
| End | 0.5 |
White barbi hillock (Tayassu pecari) |
| End | 0.5 |
Solitary eagle (Buteogallus solitarius) |
| End | 0.5 |
Smoked barbecue (Minquartia guianensis) |
| End | 0.5 |
Blue kettle (Aburria aburri) |
| End | 0.5 |
Real toucan (Ramphastos ambiguus ambiguus) |
| End | 0.5 |
Ornate hawk-eagle (Spizaetus ornatus) |
| End | 0.5 |
Mountain cypress (Austrocedrus chilensis) |
| End | 0.5 |
(Hemiphractus bubalus) |
| End, Edc | 0.5 |
Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) |
| Rar, Key | 0.4 |
(Phyllomedusa tarsius) |
| 10 | Edc | 0.4 |
(Lithobates palmipes) |
| Edc | 0.4 |
Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Snake 24 (Bothrops atrox) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Black toad snake (Bothrocophias hyoprora) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Blue yellow macaws (Ara ararauna) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Scarlet macaws (Ara macao) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Wink (Boa constrictor) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Acai (Euterpe oleracea) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Ceiba (Ceiba pentandra) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Milpeso palm (Oenocarpus bataua) |
| Rar | 0.4 |
Wild grape (Pourouma cecropiifolia) |
| Rar | 0.4 |