Indicator species observations

Data generated from a indicator species project used in crediting

Indicator species observations require raw data (audio recording, video, or photo) date-time stamp, and geocode in decimal degrees format.

For rare, threatened, trafficked, or endangered indicator species projects are encouraged to mask geocodes for public PMPs through free sites like iNaturalist or Earthranger, and arrange private review by crediting bodies.

Figure 6: Indicator species observations with geocode and date-time stamp

It should be noted that automated data such as satellite telemetry for game cameras is prohibitively expensive for most IP and LC projects. Therefore, the vast majority of projects will require trusted human coders to add geocode and date-time stamp metadata to observations. However, this does not fundamentally differ from the requirements for carbon studies in quantifying carbon load and is controlled for by independent IEP analysis of project data and IEP site visits.

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