Unit calculations
This methodology uses an interoperable unit for biodiversity crediting
This methodology calculates biodiversity and issues VBC credits using an interoperable unit which is also used by other types of methodologies (eg. restoration or impact assessments). This allows for international accounting under Kunming-Montreal and NBSAPs. A full description of the Indigenous-led interoperable unit which has been negotiated with stakeholders cross-market is here.
In brief, the unit is:
A fixed Area of one hectare, for a fixed Time of one month with measured Integrity reported on a scale from 0-1. Where full integrity is an ecosystem with every ecological niche available to, and filled by, native species.
The unit is independently categorized by its location and assigned a Value (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze) representing the underlying biodiversity density and threat of the ecosystem.
This methodology issues conservation biodiversity credits, therefore it is most accurate at the high-end of the Integrity scale, and is concerned with demonstrating no change, in the integrity of an ecosystem.
The calculation formula for this methodology is:
Where a is the unit area (one hectare)
Where A is the project area
Where t is the unit time (one month), the starting point of a unit time is t=0, and the end of the first unit time is t=1.
Where T is the monitoring period
iVBCs and VBCs. Under Cercarbono's adoption of this methodology, and hopefully under others, the first year of this methodology’s adoption under certification bodies it will issue iVBCs. After which if accepted by the market projects will automatically convert to issuance of VBCs.
The unit and the ISBM methodology were developed concurrently but have since taken on related but divergent paths. As many other types of methodologies began to adopt the unit for alternative biodiversity actions.
Next we will discuss calculations of this unit that are specific to this methodology.
Last updated
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