Overall description
Purpose, scope, objectives, and limitations for the biodiversity methodology
This methodology is written for the general public to understand and to provide a framework for projects that want to implement VBCs. It provides project-level guidance and examples of how to implement the biodiversity methodology. It is intended to add to the mechanisms for global conservation of biodiversity by introducing or adhering to the following elements:
Adherence to Principles of completeness, reliability, conservatism, consistency, evidence, accuracy, and transparency.
Reliance on public, verifiable data for ecosystem characterization (Baseline assessment).
Intentional simplification of the primary data required from a project (Project description) for IP and LC inclusion.
An interoperable Unit for biodiversity crediting that collates well with other projects.
Automated Calculation of ISBM VBCs using open-source software.
Credits can be used for certification and commodities sale, or merely as MRV for outcomes-based funding.
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