Index of figures
Figure 1. One year of data loaded to open source code for biodiversity credit calculations
Figure 2. Steps in applying the ISBM approach
Figure 3. Global living planet index (WWF 2022)
Figure 4b. Project area with satellite mapping
Figure 5. Temporal delimitation of the BCP
Figure 6. Indicator species observations with geocode and date-time stamp
Figure 8. Union of multiple observations to calculate crediting area from home range
Figure 8a. Division of a crediting area by a grouped-project boundary
Figure 9. Union of observations that overlap in time-space to calculate crediting
Figure 11. Summing overlapping partial integrity scores
Figure 11a. Summing overlapping full and partial integrity scores
Figure 12. Indicator species selection example for Colombia
Figure 13: Jhony Lopez and students tracking biodiversity indicator species in the Putumayo Amazon
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