Appendix M: How to calculate a biodiversity credit by hand

We DON'T recommend manual calculations. But if you want to do them, here’s how.

Biodiversity credits can be calculated by hand, but there is a high probability of error from data overlapping in space and time. Here are simple instructions for how to do this using the free software Google Earth Engine Pro with sample videos.

1) Get a KML for your crediting area

A simple .kml polygon of the crediting area in your BCP site can be generated on Google Earth Engine software using geocoordinates.

2) Create a layer for your indicator-species observation

Create a shape for your indicator species observation where the area of the circle equates to the home range of the species in the observation.

Tip: For manual calculations, select observations that do not overlap in time as time is the most difficult summation by hand.

3) Calculate the area credited

Draw a polygon by hand that gives you the intersection of the crediting area and the observation area. The number of hectares in the area, multiplied by the indicator-species integrity score will be the number of your biodiversity credits.

4) Overlapping observations

As described in the Calculations section, overlapping observations with the same date, will have a merged crediting area.

Overlapping observations with different integrity scores should achieve the highest integrity score in the merged area.

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